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If you have to pick one element that is the most essential one when it comes to, the answer will almost always be bricks. These components are vital for the formation of the framework of a building. However, it’s important to remember that bricks are classified and categorised into different types. So, if you are also planning to take on a construction project any time soon, then you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we’ll discuss the most popular types of bricks used for construction.

Best Types of Bricks

Now, we’ll list down and discuss the most popular types of bricks in and their applications.

Burnt Clay Bricks

Sand Lime Bricks (Calcium Silicate Bricks)

Engineering Bricks

Concrete Bricks

Fly Ash Clay Bricks

Burnt Clay Bricks

burnt clay bricks are durable
Burnt clay bricks are the most popular bricks used in construction

The burnt clay bricks are known as the classic form and the most common types of bricks. They are made up of wet clay, which is pressed into molds. It is then dried and baked in kilns. The use of this type of brick found dates back to ancient times and is found in many historical buildings around the world. 

These bricks have a very basic appearance. They are solid blocks of hardened clay, mostly reddish in color. Burnt clay bricks are categorised and sold in four classes. It’s first-class offers the best quality and high strength. Moreover, they have no noticeable flaws, but they will also cost you more than other low-quality options. To use these bricks in the construction of walls, you may require to do plastering or rendering with mortar. 

Uses of Burnt Clay Bricks

Often known as the best bricks, the uses of burnt clay cover the following construction areas:

  • Masonry walls
  • Foundations
  • Columns

Quick Fact: If you don’t know what the strongest type of brick is, then we must tell you that burnt clay bricks of A-class are widely known for their durability. They are also the strongest contender on our list. 

Sand Lime Bricks (Calcium Silicate Bricks)

Sand lime bricks, also known as calcium silicate bricks, are a mixture of sand, lime, and fly ash. Pigments can also be used to add color. The mixture is then molded by applying pressure, which then forms bricks. the materials bind together by a chemical reaction. It takes place when the wet bricks are dried using heat and pressure. Sand Lime Bricks bricks are not baked or fired in kilns as it is done in the case of burnt clay bricks. 

Here are some key things, which will make you prefer sand lime bricks over burnt clay bricks:

  • They have a gray colour instead of a reddish color. It gives them a fine look
  • They have a uniform shape and may give the structure a smoother finish. 
  • These bricks may offer excellent strength, which works best for load-bearing structures.
  • By the addition of pigments, you can use the calcium silicate bricks for ornamental purposes.
  • Less mortar is required when using these bricks in construction.
  • Edges made with sand lime bricks are straight and precise. This makes construction easier and on point.
  • Salts and minerals in the environment have little or no impact on these bricks.

Uses of Sand Lime Bricks

The uses for sand lime bricks cover the following construction areas

  • Structural foundations pillars and walls
  • Used for the construction of exposed brick walls and pillars
  • Ornamental uses (with the addition of pigments)

Engineering Bricks

Engineering bricks are also among the common types of bricks used for construction. They are used to give strength to a structure. Their features include low water porosity and resistance. Engineering bricks are perfect for the construction of damp-proof courses. 

Strong (A-class) engineering bricks are usually prepared in higher firing temperatures This means these bricks can withstand very high temperatures. It will not put any effect on their shape, size, or strength in any way.

Uses of Engineering Bricks

Counted among the best bricks, the uses of engineering bricks are in the following construction areas

  • Lay foundations of buildings
  • Lining of furnaces, ovens, and chimneys
  • To construct outdoor brick barbecues 

Concrete Bricks

If you are wondering what is the strongest type of brick, then concrete brick may be the answer you’re looking for. After burnt clay brick, concrete bricks are the first-class bricks in terms of durability. They are made from solid concrete and are among the most common types of construction materials. Concrete bricks are usually used in the construction of facades, and fences. They provide durability to the structure and can also give them an aesthetically pleasing look. 

These bricks are manufactured using different colors with the addition of pigments during their production. They are considered among the best bricks for house construction. Concrete bricks are not appropriate for the construction of any below-ground structure.

Uses of Concrete Bricks 

Some of the most common uses of concrete bricks include:

  • Fences
  • Brickwork (hidden under the walls)

Fly Ash Clay Bricks

Fly ash clay bricks are prepared with a mixture of clay and fly ash. A fly ash material is a byproduct of coal burnt at about 1,000 degrees. Bricks containing fly ash usually have large amounts of calcium oxide, which is why this type of brick usually has the quality of self-cementing. 

It can easily expand when exposed to moisture. This tendency to expand may cause the structure to swell, which isn’t good for a structure. However, the use of fly ash clay bricks in construction has many advantages. The biggest of them all is that they are lighter in weight than other many famous brick options.  

Uses for Fly Ash Clay Bricks    

Here are some common uses of fly ash clay bricks in construction activities. They are mostly used to provide improved fire resistance to a structure

  • Structural walls    
  • Foundations    
  • Pillars    

Advantages of Brick Construction

Bricks can be beneficial in many ways
Bricks can help you save tonnes of energy due to their insulating nature

Let’s take a look at some of the many advantages of brick construction.     

Aesthetics: Structures made with bricks often look aesthetically pleasing. The charm of their appearance is uplifted by the natural textures and colours of different types of bricks

Strength: Bricks are equipped with durability and strength. These qualities allow the structures to withstand extreme temperatures and weather    

Porosity: The ability to absorb and release moisture is why different types of bricks are used for construction. 

High Temperatures: Bricks are usually prepared at high temperatures. This means they offer a good amount of fire protection to the structure. 

Insulation and Energy-saving: Unlike other construction materials, a structure made from brick is usually cooler in summer and warmer in winter. This is because bricks have some natural ability for insulation. Bricks can play a great role in regulating and maintaining interior temperatures of a structure. This is because of their ability to absorb and slowly release the atmospheric particles. In this way, bricks can easily cut down the home insulation cost. They may also come in handy in designing energy-efficient homes. 

Now that you know about the best types types of bricks and their applications, you can easily choose the right type of brick for your home construction project. We hope you have found this blog informative and helpful.